Each child is an atom of unfathomable potent. We parent and teachers have the divine to explore, ignite and kindle the hidden treasure in them and lead their life in positive and prospering direction with physical, emotional and spiritual health, noble mission and vision, values and virtues, empathy and generosity, indomitable hope and faith, scientific reason and rationale, brevity fortitude, certitude and ever readiness to serve the nation with heart and mind without fear ego jealousy, prejudice and negation.
A sculptor makes a stone idol but the parents and the teacher are the architects to living human beings. We have the noble and responsible job to cherish and relish the dream of making the small children grow healthily, happily, emotionally and intellectually up to a Himalayan personality with their clean strength, patients and generosity of the earth, depth might and humbleness of the sea, vastness of the sky, brilliance of the sunrays, coolness of the moon, speed of light, artistic and aesthetic colors of the rainbow. We are grateful to Shri D . T S Rao, Deputy Commissioner, Dr. N Vasanth , Assistant Commissioner KVS (RO) Bangalore Region for their valuable guidance time to time.